Christian Living

Come With Me

Oh my goodness, Friends. I have been so excited to review this book for you! Sometimes you get a book like Unashamed or Wild and Free that fires you up; a book that makes you dig deep, that reminds you of the power of God and the lies of satan (I purposefully keep satan’s name lower-case, by the way. He doesn’t deserve a capital letter). And oh, how I love books like that.

But sometimes, you get a book that is more like a breath of fresh air. A book that brings peace to your heart, and Truth to your soul.

That is what Come With Me: Discovering the Beauty of Following Where He Leads was (and is!) for me.


Sometimes, as a book reviewer (at least for me) books tend to blur together. There is always a book to read, and three more on the shelf that I am supposed to be reading already. Now granted, I love that. (My corner of Heaven really needs to have some crazy awesome bookshelves, or this girl is just going to be flat bored.) But when I get books close together that are similar in any way, I have to search harder than usual for something that makes the book stand out to me. In Come With Me, that was completely a non-issue.

Suzanne Eller has such a beautiful way about her; her writing is powerful and full of wisdom, yes. But she is so encouraging and so gentle in her approach. Each chapter is based on a passage (or passages) directly from the Bible, with the focus being on the Twelve Disciples. She really opened my eyes to the humanity of these men. We tend to think of the Disciples as these gifted, older men. Men who walked with Jesus, who witnessed miracles in His Name, who performed miracles in His Name, who were martyred for the faith. What we don’t always think about, is that when these men were called by Jesus, many of them were teenagers. Young men who dropped everything when Jesus asked them to go with Him. You know there was fear on their parts, insecurity, doubts, unbelief…consequences from leaving their jobs and/or their families. But they still went. And look at what they got to experience!! The best part of all, of course, being a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Which, we can have too. Right now. Which truly, I needed to hear again.


I kid you not, virtually every page of this book is highlighted or earmarked. I am so thankful to Suzanne Eller for writing this book and for changing so many hearts. For changing MY heart! (By the way? I told her that very thing on Twitter, and she responded to me. Any author who remembers his/her readers is a stellar author. Period.)

Bottom Line: Read it. Digest it. Pour over it. Mark it. Read it again.

**Thank you to Bethany House, for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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