Christian Living

You Are Free

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Lately, I have been on a fiction kick. I just want good, in-depth stories that I can sink into at the end of the day. (Or while the kids are busy chowing down at snack time.) So, I confess, I wasn’t all that excited about another “self-help” book. Curious, yes! But not exactly chomping at the bit. So when I finally decided to grab You Are Free by Rebekah Lyons, my thought was, “I’m sure it will be relatively enjoyable; possibly even helpful. So I’ll leisurely read through it in between my other books.”

And then I finished it in two days.


What got me first, was how Rebekah Lyons writes. She is very sincere and candid; very similar to Shauna Niequest. With You Are Free, I had the distinct impression that the author actually gave two hoots about me. Not just all of her readers, like so many sheep in a pen. But me, personally. As if her whole mission in writing this book was so Stacie could find the freedom that she’s been given.

Which brings me to my next point: This book is not about “getting free.” It’s about embracing the freedom that you already have. See, here’s the thing. Jesus died for you. I know, I know. You’ve heard it all before, Jesus loves you and so forth. And that’s true.

But you’re not hearing me correctly.


Jesus died for you because He wants you. He wants to laugh with you over the funny parts of your day. (You’re made in His image, Friend. Know what that means? He laughs.) He wants to sing with you, talk with you, read the Bible with you and spend eternity with you. But in order for that to happen, we needed to be set free. Which Jesus accomplished. He set you free. We are already free! But most of us (me included) don’t live as though we are. And that’s why Rebekah Lyons wrote this book. So that she could sit across from you, and break through all those lies that have kept you in bondage. To let you know that she gets it, that she’s experienced it, that she’s learning, that she’s growing, that she has fallen down and will probably fall down again. But she is free. I am free. You are free.

Bottom Line: This book holds truths that your soul desperately needs, I promise you.

**Thank you to BookLook Bloggers for the opportunity to read and review this book

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